Providing Holistic Workplace Wellbeing Strategies to Cultivate High-Performing Teams using Positive Psychology & Coaching

1. PRIMERTM Wellbeing Programme

The PRIMERTM Wellbeing Programme is a scientifically-backed programme focused on enhancing individual well-being and improving their quality of life. The programme covers six key areas:

With the aim of equipping individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills, the PRIMERTM Wellbeing Programme acts a protective shield for personal well-being, much like how a primer coat of paint shields against corrosion and rust.

Effectiveness of the PRIMERTM Wellbeing Programme

A pilot study was carried out, and results indicated a significant improvement in participants' well-being and resilience. Additionally, the completing the PRIMERTM Wellbeing Programme also led to a decline in participants' stress levels.

Note: The findings of improved well-being for the PRIMERTM Wellbeing Programme are based on a pilot study with 41 participants. Individual results may vary.

2. 'Me to We': Building Emotional Resilience and Effective Communication for a Thriving Workplace

In our rapidly changing world, where AI shapes the landscape and hybrid work models redefine our interactions - the art of self and human connection becomes ever more crucial. In adapting to these evolving challenges, it's vital to recognise that thriving workplaces start with individual self-awareness contributing to collective strength and resilience. The "Me to We" series is meticulously designed by practitioners of positive psychology and conscious communication to focus on individual transformation leading to collaborative excellence.

Benefits of 'Me to We' Programme:

Organisations can expect several benefits:

1) Enhanced Teamwork and Collaboration:

2) Better Decision-Making and Problem-Solving

3) Increased Employee Engagement and Retention

4) Emotionally Resilient

3. Developing High Performing Teams through Strengths

In today's dynamic working environment, understanding the inherent strengths of a team and leveraging them is crucial for building a highly performing and engaged team. This half-day workshop is rooted in the renowned Strengths Profile by Cappfinity, which allows teams to better understand and apply their individual and collective strengths at the workplace.

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Bespoke Training Programmes

We are happy to partner with corporate organisations to offer customized programs tailored to your specific training needs.
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PRIMERTM Wellbeing Programme – Client Video Testimonials

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