Meet your Positive Psychology Coach – Matthew Koh

Master of Applied Positive Psychology & Coaching Psychology Student
Associate Certified Coach (ACC) with International Coach Federation
Graduate Diploma in Applied Positive Psychology
Certified Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher
Certified SPARK Resilience Trainer
As your coach, I am the catalyst that kick starts impactful positive change in you.
Coaching is simply a product development process, with you as the desired end product.
As a positive psychology practitioner and coach, Matthew has facilitated numerous positive psychology workshops on topics such as resilience, positive emotions, character strengths, positive relationships, work engagement etc.
Positive Psychology Coaching is a scientifically-rooted approach to helping clients increase well-being, enhance and apply strengths, improve performance, and achieve valued goals.
As an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) by the International Coach Federation (ICF), Matthew has accumulated vast experience in positive psychology coaching of clients. Having served more than 30 clients and 150 hours of coaching, he has coached his clients on a wide range of issues including:
- Self-esteem and confidence
- Goals setting and achievement
- Family dynamics and relationships
- Academic performance
- Career development and clarity
- Procrastination, inner motivation and drive
- Meaning in life
- Entrepreneur and personal branding
- Stress and time management
- Overcoming distractions
For organisations that wish to engage us to conduct the PRIMER Wellbeing programme for your employees, please indicate your interest by completing the form below and we will get back to you within 3 business working days.
Why should I engage Matthew to help me achieve my goals or overcome my existing challenges when he is not providing or prescribing me any solutions?
Because you can
do it
Coaches believe that all clients have the innate capacity and ability to be resourceful in finding solutions that work best for them - What works for me may not work for you!
Making sense of what's exactly going on
When clients share about issues that they faced, the coach can facilitate in exploring the links between different situations that the clients shared.
A Coach asks you POWERFUL & difficult questions
Humans avoid asking themselves questions that they are not ready to face! Through powerful questioning, effective coaches can bring awareness to the clients on how they have inconsistencies in what they say or feel since there are times when the human mind is in conflict with self.
Coaches are trained in active listening and pays close attention to the clients' choice of words, description of issues and display of emotions. Good coaches are able to use these evidences to make the unconscious conscious, which increases the self-awareness of the clients.
There is accountability and ongoing encouragement by the coach to ensure that clients progressively move towards their goals. Can you recall the last time you set a goal and left it untouched due to procrastination? A good coach will not allow that to happen! So... it is time you engage a good coach.
Hear what our participants have to say
Drop us your enquiry below and we will get back within 3 working days.
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